Allergic Reactions: Symptoms and Treatments
Statistics show that every fifth person in the USA suffers from either allergy or asthma symptoms. That is why the issue of allergy signs and treatment became relevant.

Thus, to manage the allergy, people should know how to recognize the indications, relieve the symptoms and use emergency treatment plans.

What is an Allergy?

Allergy is a response of the organism to substances, which are determined as aliens. This response manifests itself in the forms of diverse symptoms, which range from mild to severe. On top of that, these reactions may be acquired, predictable, and rapid. It has been scientifically proved that allergies play a paramount role in the development of asthma.

Causes of the Allergy

The immune system reacts to any substances, which a person inhales, swallows or touches. People believe that heredity is a significant factor in the development of the allergy, but individual and environmental factors are also important. That is why allergens trigger various allergic reactions.

Thus, they may be divided into several groups:

  • Pollen and Other Allergens

Allergic reactions appear after people have come into contact with triggers through the air. To this group refer dust, mold spores, animal dander.

  • Plants

For instance, a poison ivy may provoke the reaction.

  • Food

The most common allergens are cereals, which contain gluten (wheat, barley, oats, rye), crustaceans (crab, lobster, crayfish, octopus, shrimp), fish, milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, celery, honey and Sesame seeds.

  • Medications

In most cases, such drugs as insulin, penicillin, vaccines, and anticonvulsants may cause the allergy.

  • Insect bites

The bites of ants, mosquitoes, bed bugs, ticks, wasps, honey bees lead to small lumps over the skin.

  • Others

Cases of a latex allergy and the allergy to household chemicals have been reported.

Allergy Symptoms

The range of signs and their severity depend on individual characteristics and the type of the allergy.

A respiratory allergy occurs after the allergen has been ingested through airways. The indications are:

  • Sneezing;
  • Cough;
  • Itchy nose;
  • Wheezing;
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Asthma.

Dermatosis is accompanied by a rash on the skin. It may be caused by food, household chemicals, medicines. Indications are:

  • Local or frontal redness;
  • Flaking and itching of the skin;
  • Eczema;
  • Blisters and swelling.

Allergic conjunctivitis affects the organs of sight and it is manifested in the form of:

  • A burning sensation in the eyes;
  • Watery eyes;
  • Swelling of the skin around the eyes.

The reaction of the gastrointestinal tract is provoked by foods or drugs. Symptoms are:

  • Intestinal cramps;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Constipation;
  • Vomiting.

Anaphylactic shock is a life – threatening condition, it develops in the case of a severe allergic reaction. Insect stings and medications often trigger it. It can be defined by such criteria:

  • Shortness of breath;
  • Seizures;
  • Vomiting;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Low blood pressure.

Allergy Treatment

Recently, there have been huge improvements in the treatment of allergic reactions, but still, none of them can cure the condition. Treatment involves a number of methods: the avoidance of triggers, taking medicines to eliminate symptoms, immunotherapy, and in particularly severe cases, an injection of epinephrine.

The severity of allergic reactions may change, so you should stick to a certain treatment plan and take precautions to avoid any complications.

Means of Treatment for Mild Allergic Reactions

There are some means, which help to relieve these troublesome symptoms and reduce the risk of the allergy. They are:

  1. The avoidance of allergens. This is an effective means only if you suffer from certain allergy types. Of course, it is impossible to stay away from dust or pollen.
  2. Antihistamines block the release of histamine. However, they can’t completely eliminate the allergy symptoms.
  3. Different types of corticosteroids (oral, nasal, inhaled) such as Pulmicort, Nasonex reduce the inflammation.
  4. Steroid sprays are hormonal drugs, they will help to cope with nasal congestion.

Treatment for Severe Allergic Reactions

Medicines, which can alter the response of the immune system and help in cases of the anaphylactic shock, are used. They include:

  1. EpiPen is a mobile epinephrine injection, it can treat anaphylaxis.
  2. Immunotherapy means the reduction of the body’s response to an allergen through small subcutaneous injections.

Thereby, it is not difficult to learn how to live with the allergy. You should take care of your health, take medicines, avoid allergens if possible and then nothing will prevent you from enjoying the life!

Check also this post about 10 Most Bizarre Allergies in the World

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