
4. Your dog should always have access to fresh drinking water and shade

Keeping your dog hydrated could be the difference between life and death. Dogs get even thirstier than humans do when they get hot. Unlike humans who have a variety of ways to drink water and cool down though, dogs really don’t have a way to cool themselves down other than panting and drinking — or jumping in — whatever water is within reach. It’s important to keep your pet in the shade as much as possible and provide him with easy access to fresh drinking water.

5. Give your dog his very own “kiddy pool”

Putting out a small, kid-sized pool is a great option for keeping dogs cool during the summer heat. Dogs love getting wet, and watching them cool down this way is great entertainment too!

6. Don’t assume your dog can swim well

summer safety tips for dogs

Although dogs instinctively know how to swim, it doesn’t mean they’re good swimmers. That’s why it’s important to make sure your dog can’t get into your swimming pool or bodies of water without you around. No matter how much a dog loves swimming, he might not be able to get out without help and could easily drown.

7. Dogs get sunburns too!

Believe it or not, dogs can sunburn just like humans, especially those with short or light-colored coats. And all know how painful sunburns can be! Dogs can develop skin cancer from overexposure to the sun too. Talk to your veterinarian about sunscreens for your dog — do not assume a sunscreen for humans is safe for your dog.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pets in warm summer weather, always make sure you talk with your veterinarian. Be sure to SHARE all of these important facts and summer safety tips for dogs with your loved ones! You could save a life.
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  1. Avatar for adminfoxviral
    January 24, 2021

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